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This page lists the tags that the software may mark an edit with, and their meaning.

Navê etîketêAppearance on change listsFull description of meaningSourceÇalak?Tagged changes
mw-new-redirectBeralîkirineke nûGuhartinên ku beralîkirineke nû çêdikin an jî rûpelekê dikin beralîkirinekDefined by the softwareErê2 guhertin
mw-manual-revertBetalkirina destîEdits that manually restore the page to an exact previous stateDefined by the softwareErê1 guhertin
mw-revertedBetalkirîEdits that were later reverted by a different editDefined by the softwareErê1 guhertin
mw-contentmodelchangecontent model changeEdits that change the content model of a pageDefined by the softwareErê0 guhertin
mw-removed-redirectBeralîkirinê jê birEdits that change an existing redirect to a non-redirectDefined by the softwareErê0 guhertin
mw-changed-redirect-targetGuhartina aliyê beralîkirinêEdits that change the target of a redirectDefined by the softwareErê0 guhertin
mw-blankValakirinGuhartinên ku rûpelekê vala dikinDefined by the softwareErê0 guhertin
mw-replaceXist şûnêGuhartinên ku bêhtirî ji 90% naverokê jê dibinDefined by the softwareErê0 guhertin
mw-rollbackVegerandinEdits that roll back previous edits using the rollback linkDefined by the softwareErê0 guhertin
mw-undoBetal bikeEdits that undo previous edits using the undo linkDefined by the softwareErê0 guhertin
mw-server-side-uploadServer-side uploadMedia files that were uploaded via a maintenance scriptDefined by the softwareErê0 guhertin
mw-add-media(hidden)Edits that add mediaDefined by the softwareNa0 guhertin
mw-remove-media(hidden)Edits that remove mediaDefined by the softwareNa0 guhertin
visualeditorGuhartina dîtbarîBi bikaranîna visual editor hate guhartinDefined by the softwareErê0 guhertin
visualeditor-wikitext2017 amûra guhartina çavkaniyêGuhartinên bi rêya 2017 amûra guhartina çavkaniyê hatine pêkanînDefined by the softwareErê0 guhertin
visualeditor-needcheckGuhartina dîtbarî: Kontrol bikeEdit made using the visual editor where the system detected the wikitext possibly having unintended changes.Defined by the softwareErê0 guhertin
visualeditor-switchedVisual edit: SwitchedUser started to edit using the visual editor, then changed to the wikitext editor.Defined by the softwareErê0 guhertin
mobile editGuhartina mobîlGuhartinên bi telefonekê çêkirî (malper an sepan)Defined by the softwareErê0 guhertin
mobile web editGuhartina malpera mobîlGuhartinên bi malpera mobîlê çêkirîDefined by the softwareErê0 guhertin
advanced mobile editGuhartina mobîl ya pêşketîEdit made by user with Advanced modeDefined by the softwareErê0 guhertin