MediaWiki API help
This is an auto-generated MediaWiki API documentation page.
Documentation and examples: -{R|}-
action=titleblacklist (tb)
(main | titleblacklist)
- This module requires read rights.
- Source: TitleBlacklist
- License: GPL-2.0-or-later
Validate a page title, filename, or username against the TitleBlacklist.
- tbtitle
The string to validate against the blacklist.
- This parameter is required.
- tbaction
The action to be checked.
- One of the following values: create, createpage, createtalk, edit, move, new-account, upload
- Default: edit
- tbnooverride
Don't try to override the titleblacklist.
- Type: boolean (details)
- Check whether Foo is blacklisted
- api.php?action=titleblacklist&tbtitle=Foo [open in sandbox]
- Check whether Bar is blacklisted for editing
- api.php?action=titleblacklist&tbtitle=Bar&tbaction=edit [open in sandbox]